Spring is the time where lots happens in our lives but this year LOTS has happened !!!
Like I mentioned in our last post, we were expecting visitors from Canada, Mike's Mom and two of his brothers: David and Daniel. Our apartment was functional and allowed us to sleep everybody. They arrived on April 19th and I was glad to be off work that day to be able to welcome them properly. After a nice supper together, work started, hehe ;)
Our terrace was started for some years ago now, but, like you know, we have so many projects that things get started and eventually they get done. Our moto: step by step, we will get there. And there were many steps before getting where we are right now: removal of the old concrete septic tank, all the excavation for the new septic system, building of the wall with the wheel window and the half-moon knee wall, the installation of a wooden terrace ..... all this takes time and energy. This was thus a good project for the twins to help us out with a more "finalizing" step: pouring concrete, including all the preparation work that goes with it.
Here under you have a view of our terrace with the half-moon knee wall braced and ready to get filled with concrete.
The forms for the stairs and side walk were also laid out (wooden forms) and the concrete work could start.
Mike used a light sand with cream colored concrete. Just beautiful!
Detail is everything and a bit more light is needed to "brush" the imperfections off. The right tool for the right job.
Not mentioning that both cats and both dogs have been stepping in the concrete at least once.... Those imperfections had to be repaired each time.
You can compare the "before and after" pictures: the end result is quite an improvement both for the look and the utility of the space.
Here under: a stoned planter will be build between the two staircases
Like I said earlier, this is another step to the final product. The work is not finished, no no! A metal railing will be placed on top of the half-moon wall where a climbing shrub will grow (probably a purple wisteria) to allow for a bit more privacy.
In the garden
I did also get much help weeding the whole area around our little orchard. Dave and Dan went mad, weeding and pulling small trees in order to air out the space. Once done, we were able to cover the area with a mulch of half-composted wood chips. This area will also need to be covered with straw as soon as I will be able to get some from the neighbor. This will reduce the chance to get invaded again by grass. But this is an ongoing process... see you back next year? (hahaha)
On my side I covered the potato fields with compost and then straw. Three beds are now covered, 350 potato plants and the germs are now sprouting through the straw. All is well.
Those gardens can now be left alone until the young potato plants will reach a more mature state. I will then cover them a bit more, creating an optimal situation (fresh, moist and dark) for the potatoes to grow well.
Mom came with Mike in his truck to the upper gardens and was brought back down in the special "oma-carriage" behind our little tractor. She did enjoy the ride and got a kick out of it ;)
One can think that vacation at "La Peyrère" is no real vacation ;) Right you are, hehe.
I have also been able to get 2 gardens ready for planting. There are numerous plants waiting to see the natural sunlight and warmth of summer: in particular the zucchini's, pumpkins, luffas, the melons and the sweet potatoes. I need to buy bell pepper plants as well as eggplants because I was too late to seed them myself. This year, definitively lack of good organization I would say.
In the garden I have already planted 2 different types of beans: the lima beans (or butter beans) and an extra long green beans variety which can reach 30-45 cm. They are long and also very thin, beautiful to see and gorgeous in a dish. Those seeds are coming from the Netherlands, where those beans are part of Surinamese and Indonesian dishes.
Also growing in the garden at this moment: green peas, two types of cucumber, salads, chard, onions and ..... asparagus!
Asparagus grow for about 1 month and then the season is over :( We have been eating them about three times a week now. We will enjoy them fully until the end. Yummy.
I have bought a chayote plant. Chayote originates in Mexico/Guatemala: needs a tropical climate to grow. One plant usually produces many fruit. The fruit are edible cooked and keep a nice crispy texture, like cucumber. Although most people are familiar only with the fruit as being edible, the root, stem, seeds and leaves are edible as well. Lots to discover yet.
I have seeded lots of ricin because this plants is known to keep mole rats away from the garden. Mole rats eat tubers (like potatoes) and roots (sometime from fruit trees). Mole rats avoid ricin roots. As well as helping getting rid of the mole rats, ricin are beautiful plants. One thing though, the seeds contain a toxic oil, much care is needed.
The tomato seedlings have been a success and the plants will get to the covered green house after mid-may, when the weather should get and stay warmer with warmer nights.
Like I said in the beginning of this post, lots happens in the spring but this year is a super year! BRAVO