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Fall: wrapping up our summer

Beginning September, I went to Montreal for two weeks. Before leaving I needed to process a lot of food because August is the most important harvesting period.

left: various winter squashes

right: "huge" zucchinis

I prepared and sterilized 17 more pots of 750 ml tomatoes, made 5 kg ratatouille (for in the freezer because I had no other choice, time was precious), blanched the beans that Marian had harvested during her stay with us and stored the cleaned potatoes. During my absence, Mike harvested nearly all the ripe tomatoes and raspberries. Everything was placed in the freezer for convenience. Thanks Mike!!!

Sorry, I am starting this blog with the tail end. Lets start with August!

The gardens

End July, Mike had built our new dehydrator. And it worked like a charm! We were able to make zucchini chips within 2 days because the warmth during the day and night was just perfect. Unfortunately, as it starts being damp at night, the system is less performant, the vegetable reabsorb overnight the moisture they lost during the day. Nevertheless, next year, we will be able to use it as soon as the temperature is optimal.

We still have to work on a storage system. Dry foods store good in a airtight environment. But I would like to find another system then the vacuum system that uses plastic bags. Using mason jars would be perfect but they are not available in France .... Bummer ; ) A thing to think about for next year.

But until then, zucchini chips with a nice dip is a healthy variation to the regular chips.

And this will be our new way to cultivate our strawberries.

Last fall, at the "Seeds and plants exchange day" I came back with about 8 strawberry plants. This year, the plants did not produce at all but I cannot find the reason why. Talking with Mike, we have them decided to try this method often talked about on the internet. Mike has prepared the barrel and I have filled it with a mix of dirt and compost. I am keeping the first and second generation (daughter plants) plants for next year, the rest will be eliminated. During next summer, I will have to water this barrel sufficiently.

When I was a little girl, I used to harvest raspberries at my grandparent's house. My grandpa would then tie a metal can around my neck which allowed me to use my two little hands for the harvest (and tasting!) without dropping too many fruit on the ground.

And this magical memory came back to me while I was harvesting the raspberries this year. So I made myself a hanging tray from my neck. This works perfectly!!

Thanks grandpa xxx

There is also a big modification taking place in the gardens. In the spring, Mike went to Hans and Beatrice who had moved a their new place. They found in their basement a set of windows that is usually used to close in a balcony. They were not interested into use it. But Mike had a plan!

Here is the idea:

Our container now has a side door and a separating partition inside. The back room will be our potting room, dry storage place for EVERYTHING that is used in the gardens, seeds included. The container is insulated, it is perfect. And I will have everything in just one place. Ideal!! The foundation is being made as we speak. And the set of windows will surround and close this addition. The lowest side stays at ground level. The windows will allow this room to be light and warm, perfect for the yearly seedlings.

The left side will stay open at its end and will be used as dry storage for the lawn tractor etc...


In August, we were really happy to welcome Miranda and her family in the South of France. Miranda is Mike's eldest niece who now lives in Australia. When we lived in Ontario, Miranda was my piano teacher. Not that I can play anything on the piano at the moment but she gave me the opportunity to familiarize myself with the instrument which I really liked.

During their stay, we moved to the tent, allowing them to have the bedrooms with their daughters. It was like a little vacation for us, camping in our own backyard. Priceless!!

They had rented a car and after a couple of days, they continued their journey, attending a marriage in South-Est France and continuing their vacation to visit Italia.


During the last week of August, Marian and Jeroen came for a short stay. I was really happy to be able to fetch them at the train station in Saint-Gaudens.

Their stay was sort but we managed to do some sight seeing. We attended the yearly "Old Trades Fair" in Peguilhan. The theme this year was "the Baker".

They also gave me a hand with cleaning the harvested potatoes, getting them ready for storage before my departure for Montreal. Marian harvested beans, beans and more beans while Jeroen was doing his best with the tomatoes and raspberries. When they planned to come and visit, they were afraid to "be in the way" because I would have lots to prepare before my trip. Their presence turned out perfect!

Thanks a lot for the company and see you again soon I hope.

And the renovations are moving right along

With Mike's ingenuity and Jolan's strength, the floor is nearly ready for vapor barrier, insulation, steel and water heating system. The last layer will be concrete, WOW!!!

Left: the hallway

Right above: the main bedroom downstairs (still needs partition for a bathroom)

Right under: our future dining room

The heavy digging part is done. Loads of wheel barrels filled with dirt and all size stones that Jolan has helped taking away. The floor is now being leveled out with drainage stone.

And because our energy reserve is being used elsewhere, we are asking a company to come change the 5 windows that are at the back of our house. The windows will be double glazed and equipped with electric roll shutters for safety. Not that our neighborhood is unsafe but because part of the house will used as rentals, both yearly and seasonal.

The offer has been accepted and the work will be probably done by the end of this year. Another good improvement for the comfort of our living space.

And we welcome Toshi!

She will never take Tesla's place in our hearts but she is a joy to have around. Honcho has accepted her quickly.

Toshi was born on July 9th, will turn 3 months soon.

I will leave you all on this note.

Since my return, I have a feeling of being constantly behind. I will find my rhythm again so I can share more interesting things with you.

Here another chicken is brooding and I am working now on a gluten free bread recipe. This will be part of the next blog.

A bientôt !!

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